LinkedIn: Shinobu Kinjo
GitHub: shinobu-x
Twitter: @ShinobuKJ
Shinobu Kinjo
B.A. in School Psychology at University of the Ryukyus, Japan
E-mail: shinobu.kj [at] gmail [dot] com

Research in reinforcement learning and fundamental problems in deep learning from multiple points of view while capturing its essence.
Research topics
  • Theoretical analysis of deep neural networks.
  • Robust generalization in deep learning utilizing inductive biases.
  • Incoporate invariance and equivariance into deep learning models.
  • Effective utilization of inductive biases in deep learning.
  • Theoretical analysis of complexity errors in deep learning models.
  • Analysis of extrinsic rewards arising from eligibility trace in deep reinforcement learning.
  • Conditions under which inductive bias is established from perspective of deep learning fundamental analysis
  • Properties of residual connections and their theoretical proof from perspective of stability of learning process and generalization ability
  • Rotation invariant convolutional generative model for scene synthesis
  • Fully rotation invariant convolutional attention MLP with probable masked patched images
  • Body parts aware occlusion robust person re-identification